30 Juni 2008

Crepes with Rich Chocolate Sauce

Bagi penggemar crepes, resep ini perlu dicoba'in...bikinnya mudah, bisa jadi alternatif untuk sarapan ato buat ngemil2 di sore hari..

Resepnya nyontek dari buku "The Chocolate Lovers' Cookbook"...sebuah buku jadul tapi isinya mantab2 smua..pssst aku dapet buku ini, hasil ngubek2 kios buku bekas di depan pasar Mester, jatinegara...gak nyangka juga nemu 'harta karun'...

ni aku salin lagi deh...sapa tau banyak yang kepengen nyoba'in...eh tapi ditranslate ndiri yaa..yang nulis lagi mualeeesss nih...

Source : The Chocolate Lovers’ Cookbook

Ingredients :
1 cup (250 ml) all-purpose flour -- aku pake segitiga biru
1 tbsp (15 ml) granulated sugar
Pinch of salt
2 eggs
2 egg yolks
1 ¼ cups (310 ml) milk -- aku pake susu UHT
1 tbsp (15 ml) melted butter
extra Butter

Blend together everything except extra butter until mixture is smooth. Cover and let stand for 1 hour.

Pour a little mixture into a lightly greased pan and cook over medium heat on both sides until golden

Mixture will make 14 -16 small crepes

To prepare crepes : fold each crepe into four to make a triangle. Heat a little butter in a frying pan, add some folded crepes and heat gently for a few minutes. Keep crepes warm until served. Serve with Rich Chocolate Sauce

Note :
Crepes may be made in advance and stored in refrigerator.

Serve : 4 -6


2 tbsp (30 ml) cocoa powder
1 cup (250 ml) brown sugar -- gak punya...aku ganti pake gula pasir biasa
1 tbsp ( 15 ml) butter
Pinch salt
1 cup (250 ml) cream -- aku pake Baker's mix Whipping Cream

Boil all ingredients together for a few minutes. Serve immediately over pancakes or crepes, ice cream or fresh or stewed fruit..

Makes 2 cups

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