30 Januari 2010

KBB #15 Mud Cake Cookie Sandwiches

Tak terasa udah masuk taun baru lagi, bulan baru lagi dan yang pastinya tantangan KBB yang baru lagi...hehehe..udah masuk tantangan ke 15 niy...horeee...yang jelas sampai detik ini, aku berusaha bertahan sambil menerjang "hujan males" dan "badai males" juga...lebaaaay deh...hehehe...

tantangan kali ini membuat Mud Cake dan Chocolate Cookies yang mana hasil akhirnya dibuat bertumpuk dan dilapis ganache pada masing2 lapisan...

Seperti biasaaaa alias as usual..hehehe..pasti ngerjain pe ernya last minute...detik2 terakhir...:)
aku coba bikin masing2 1/2 resep, krn sudah dipastikan gak ada yang makan...dirumah pada gak doyan yang manis2 nih kecuali akyuuu...hehehe...
Alhamdulillah pada tantangan kali ini aku gak menemukan kesulitan yang berarti...kecuali sedikit pada saat pembuatan mud cakenya...pas udah mateng, mud cakenya susah dilepas dari loyang, padahal udah dilapis baking paper juga...tp akhirnya bisa jg dilepas setelah dicongkel congkel sono sini...hehehe jd brocel brocel deh...tapi tetep wokeeeh..

baik cookiesnya, ganachenya maupun mud cakenya, semuanya enyaaaak....cucok banget deh dibuat cemilan di sore hari, ditemenin secangkir kopi susu ato teh manis...aaaaahh..what a wonderful life..hehehhe...

resepnya ada disini yaa...

Mud Cake Cookie Sandwiches

Source: The Australian Women's Weekly: cupcakes, cheesecake, cookies. ACP Magazine Ltd. 2008

Makes 24

250g butter, softened
330g firmly packed brown sugar
2 eggs
450g plain flour
75g self-raising flour
50g cocoa powder
2 Tbs cocoa powder, extra

Chocolate Mud Cake
150g butter, chopped
100g dark eating chocolate, chopped coarsely
220g caster sugar
125ml water
2 Tbs coffee liqueur
150g plain flour
2 Tbs cocoa powder
2 egg yolks

Combine butter, chocolate, sugar, the water and liqueur in small saucepan. Stir over low heat until smooth. Place mixture in medium bowl; cool 10 minutes. Whisk in sifted flour and cocoa, then egg yolks. Bake about 25 minutes. Cool cakes in pans. Using 6.5cm round cutter, cut 12 rounds from each cake.

Chocolate Ganache
80ml cream
200g dark eating chocolate, chopped coarsely

Bring cream to a boil in small saucepan; remove from heat. Add chocolate; stir until smooth. Refrigerate until spreadable.
  1. Preheat oven to 170C/150C fan-forced. Grease two 20cm x 30cm lamington pans; line with a strip of baking paper, extending paper 2cm above edges of pans.
  2. Make chocolate mud cake.
  3. Make chocolate ganache.
  4. Beat butter, sugar and eggs in small bowl with electric mixer until combined. Transfer mixture to large bowl; stir in sifted flours and cocoa, in two batches. Knead dough on floured surface until smooth; divide in half, roll each portion between sheets of baking paper until 5mm thick. Cover; refrigerate 30 minutes.
  5. Preheat oven to 180C/160C fan-forced. Grease oven trays; line with baking paper.
  6. Using 6.5cm round cutter, cut 48 rounds from dough. Place about 3cm apart on oven trays. Bake about 12 minutes. Cool on wire racks.
  7. Spread ganache onto underside of cookies; sandwich a mud cake round between two cookies.
  8. Using heart template, dust cookies with extra cocoa.

2 komentar:

  1. wah dibentuk bunga cantik juga ya dan tambahan raspberry jadi kelihatan segar.

  2. Arta, kelihatannya enak, lalu rapih banget menghiasnya. Ijin nyontek resepnya ya. Cakenya moist ya? Kelihatannya cocok buat cupcake nih...
